Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Locker Combination Big Nate Island

Avoid uncontrolled

One type consists of attacks that impersonate DHCP server on the network . So the team can force the traffic generated from computers with dynamic IP to pass through your network card (and capture the desired information.) Is a typical attack Man-in-the-Middle .

If a network is not going to use dynamic addressing can block traffic protodolo DHCP, but if needed we must allow this protocol. The current switches allow us to restrict this traffic so that only authorized servers (the people managing Systems) send this information has thus preventing intruders posing as DHCP servers.

Overall implementation of this security policy is as easy as:
    Enable Protection
  1. Identify DHCP server IP authorized to submit this protocol
  2. identify from which port will receive this traffic
Point 3 is usually more complicated, but generally for access switches protocol DHCP should only be reached by the uplink . This point will change depending on the network that we have assembled: we must take into account existing loops (the spanning-tree can give us a call at this point), etc. I advise to have a very clear network map indicating where the server and what are the roads that can track the traffic to reach the final customer. An example

an access switch HP brand. In other similar brands will be changing commands.

1. Activate the DHCP protection:
ACC-SW01 (config) # dhcp-snooping
2. Indicate that servers are the officers:
ACC-SW01 (config) # dhcp-snooping-server Authorized
ACC-SW01 (config) # dhcp-snooping-server Authorized
3. Indicate from which port will accept this traffic (which is the way to get from our switch to the authoritative name servers). Ed access from a computer most likely be the uplink:
ACC-SW01 (config) # dhcp-snooping trust trk1 (we assume that the uplink is a trunk and called trk1)
This is the basic idea ... obviously complicate it:) Take

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Throat Had To Be Drained

remote debug HTTP request

debug information from remote connection

debug commands on the routers / switches are configured by default send all information to the physical computer console. The problem comes when you need to get that information debug a remote computer that you connect via telnet / ssh. How can this information out on your screen and not the serial connector of the team? Stop
  1. debugs all you have. Forward
  2. your login information
  3. Enable debug you need

CISCO: cisco #

undebug all
cisco # cisco # terminal monitor debug dhcp
switch # no debug all
switch # debug destination session
switch # debug dhcp-snooping

Monday, May 3, 2010

Witty Things Say Facebook

"Arc de Triomphe in Asuncion, Paraguay?

At school we are researching on this subject. It is very difficult because there are many records that there existed a triumphal arch. I was surprised when I first heard it. But this is what little I found online:

near the plaza Uruguaya, was today derruído building the monastery of La Merced, and one of the "triumphal arches" built by Mcal. Francisco Solano López. What I do not remember is whether it was torn down if not for the occupation of army in Asunción (1869 - 1874), during one of the many internal revolutions which took Paraguay during the post-war until the Chaco War with Bolivia.

Here is a picture of the triumphal arch.

If you want to see a larger, just click the image den and ready ^ ^

A history professor also told me about an arc that was built in the then Republic of Colombia, currently Mcal Lopez Avenue. They say it was done with palms at the time of Estigarribia Mcal, or something. That was a time when Paraguay was at its worst, after the Triple Alliance with its constant revolutions over the Chaco War, the country was virtually disappear. So Colombia stated during this difficult time all Paraguayan go through Colombia, a Colombian would be considered more directly. Paraguay enacted in the same, saying that every Colombian to enter the country would be considered a Paraguayan more. And that remained in effect until Lugo was elected president of the Republic of Paraguay. And so it was an avenue called Colombia, which was renamed after Mcal Lopez. Today, the street Colombia is an unknown street, passing by the market four.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pepe The Kingstuffed Animal

A strange dream, almost like something out of movie XD

I had a strange dream mice. The strangest thing is that I dreamed I was in a laboratory, where mice were as human beings: they spoke, thought and had their own conflicts, including humans. I know there are many films of this kind of thing, but it is the first time you sleep with this. Summarize the central theme of sleep, because it was quite long.
All I can say is that, in the dream, I grabbed a handful of mice and leave the laboratory. We went to various places, including a place where a man who hunted mice. We had a confrontation, but we came good in that and continue the journey. At the end of the dream, I sent the mice to be free and form their own civilization. If they succeeded or not and do not know, because that ended the dream. Searching the internet
what does this dream (because I do believe that dreams mean something to us), I found what happens if you sleep in mice:

sexual and erotic sense, often premonitory dream that warns against overexploitation of vital forces. What one sees

run free: dissatisfaction and disappointment.

you hear shouting, warning against danger.

That one catch: luck in bad luck.

What one sees in a trap: fix an annoying issue. View

white mice: superficially cares about something.

On another page I found this definition: Rat

signal a serious problem, but will succeed in a job not yet finished. Mice

Possible domestic problems. The work-related issues may deteriorate.

Actually, with this, I conclude that in my dream I just want to say I'm on a problem, but I do not remember what color was the mouse. But in the end, I can fix it, because I let the mice out there
XD Well, that's all. Greetings !!!!!