a child, came 1 time per year to the Capital, usually on vacation, traveling for several reasons, the main one was to visit my grandmother who lived here, and also make several shopping, remember that always ended up tired, my mom grabbed my arm and go to Santiago from end to end to buy shoes, clothes, uniform, school supplies, clothes, books, a thousand things, and when he went out with my mother, accompanied my grandmother to buy wicker, cheeses, smoked meats, super market, fair and met so many old parts of this city that no longer exist.
Today I went out to find a place to fix the bikes to keep them tiki taka to take advantage of the sunny days to come, and went straight to the street San Diego, where according to my memory, there were several bike shops and factories ... but almost did not recognize the street ... where once the first blocks were filled with bookshelves, there are far fewer of those who had ... and bike shops, super low, in fact I only found a place where I made the arrangements, as all others were single outlets. Everything is full of products from the Orient, full of new shops were useless things to me at that moment, full of people who came to a place full of history to erase it and start new businesses, changing the tradition.
I do not recognize many of the places where I used to go as a kid, the city has changed a lot since I came to live in the capital to throw down I've seen beautiful old houses and tall buildings as they emerge as businesses are not served by its owners, and as the cheese high-bridged, and no more that `my grandmother Parmesan with noodles covered, flax is Nylon Independence, and the warehouses of the Central Station, with those products from the South, and not open again, now the supermarkets have broken those traditions, and seeing how all this happens, I am sorry, I am sorry that we lose our identity, we lose our culture, we lose this thing had this rich city, which made us feel that despite being in the capital, had a bit in each corner of the Province of the Interior that thing warm.
-Day very good, relaxing, cooking, taking walks in these places that ran for years.