Sunday, October 28, 2007

Gay Cruising Cambridge

Travel Insurance?? MUSEO DE LA MODA

September 19 last year ... mason station that day was a Colo-Colo game .... I on the subway talking to my mother, the train stops, opens the door, I kept talking, and suddenly a fan of Colo Colo, steals my phone, he takes away from the hands, while everyone was watching, I get off the train and take away my phone out of hand, some pushing, but I managed to recover, until a friend of the thief's shirt up and shows me a gun he brought subject to the pants.

There was not a single guard in front of my camera, no one appeared, I went to try to find a guard, and the only there was, was talking to the cashier at the box office ... one guard, one-day match of Colo-Colo ... Send letter of complaint, complaint, and never uttered the subway, I thought of writing a direct line, but do not draw anything with that, if the Metro is not able to protect their users (customers), the less I will return my phone .
Two weeks ago, Line 4 (this is new?) The wagon came almost empty, in front of me a guy pulled a knife and began to scratch a seat ... to destroy the underground, the first thing I did was think about the cars stop him and tell him not to, you look ugly when I stop to tell her to stop doing that, I realized that I remembered better I had the knife, which was actually a knife, I was afraid, the guy looked ugly, and I get off at the next station, I felt insecure.

Evil .. The subway was once safe, clean, comfortable, now is bad, dirty, smelly and uncomfortable, as well as unsafe ... as Cuturrufo said: We must evolve, not regress, and so say the Metro is cleaner and safer for America ...

-Day a lot of stress, everything flies by, time goes too quickly, we are almost at Christmas.

"With some wounds on his hands, and rasjuƱones by pruning some branches in the garden, sunburn, and tired.

"Much art Matta much, much Jose Miguel de la Barra, great dinner, phone, family, lots of everything.

"Many greetings to the people who read me and loves me a kiss and a hug. Ego Sum


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