Sebba HAPPY 2009

Inspiration, nature gives me, the smell of trees, and the color of the sky, landscapes and the waves are drawn in the water, sun and rain, the river and the sea, texture of the desert and all those feelings that come to the body when I am in contact with all the beauty.
my family inspires me, all the love and the love you have given me, all the pride I felt, all the wisdom of my elders, my father's honor, nobility of my Mother, my Grandparents Intelligence , and the love of my uncles, the patience of my sisters, and all that rich heritage that I have left my ancestors, rich in knowledge, wisdom and appreciation of them, in love, values, love.
my friends inspire me, their presence, have always been with me, the happiness and sorrows, so many songs, guitar playing, dancing and many conversations, some very seriously, others less so, all the way to see life as particular , all with the inner world in which I can plunge, their smiles, their hugs and kisses, all that inspires me.
So many things to be thankful ... Greetings
-Long weekend in Chili, with many joys, vineyards in the background and my family.
-Lindos days, joys, the sticks, all studies more or less normal ...
-La Carola with plastic surgeries that are sore, well ... my mom said, but the donkey was the did the same, well ... 'm fine thank goodness.
"Many compliments to the nice people who read me, family and friends, to those magical people understand me. To all of them lots of hugs and kisses. Ego Sum
Gaby Thanks for nominating this cute meme try to meet your e xpectativas ! !
meme rules are:
1 - Put a link to the person we chose.
2 - Put the rules on the blog.
3 - Share 6 things do not seem important to us and what we like
6 us.
4 - Choose 6 people at the end.
5 - Tell these people and leave a comment on his blog.
6 things I do not care:
things I do care that much!
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) works from a series of "presuppositions" considered valid.
One of the most important is " the map is not territory ." This means that no matter how well represented it is a place on a map, will never be the place as such. Ie real no matter what is your perception of the world, it's just their perception, not the real world.
has a lot to do with a series of filters that we humans, starting with our limited senses (remember we can not see all wavelengths or hear all frequencies, so there is part of the phenomena "real" we can not see)
We also have cultural filters, given by our education, our language, the society we live and the beliefs we have.
To leave no doubt that the perception of a situation is only yours and nobody else, we have a set of values \u200b\u200b (different for each person) subjective makes each of our perceptions and decisions.
For example, go down the street 3 people. A few yards away, a man and a woman is beaten.
One person can pass by, thinking "between husband and wife no one should get" ; the second person considered to be assaulting the woman and screams pidendo help. may think third "all women are a cuiamas" or "all men are beasts" and decide to take sides in the situation to defend the case (a) helpless (a).
Why these two people were fighting? is not what matters. Moreover, other people passing by did not notice that something was wrong. Our emotions and our beliefs dominate any rational analysis.
How can you explain or reason, if the perception of others is not accepted? No matter what you say, the other assumes as true something that does not have to be, which in most cases to say "you're wrong" . Eye that includes divination ("I know how you feel and what is best for you" ) , suspicion ("you're saying that just to reassure" ) or expert advice (in my experience, you have to do is X ")
And no matter if all NLP says is reasonable, if you have studied much about it, if you give this course and you're convinced. There is no way to be 100% objective and impersonal (no matter what they say judges and journalists, that is also their perception) in particular are at stake emotions and those that most affect us.
So I interpreted my silence as I please, as it is only your perception.
In these letters that a friend left in the messenger thought indeed and it happens to most people so I decided to list my joys .
because every day at my table There is a plate of food, the little boy smiled from the corner, I can look at the sky and see the colorful beauty of the trees going to another station,
Thank God!
Because I feel the scent of flowers in my backyard the chirping of birds, I can pat who is on my side and tell at a glance how much in my life means.
Go visit my parents who said they still follow me, I to embrace them and tell them I love them, even today see my kids and kiss my grandchildren and more than any advice I will let fall .
I have such good friends!
Wow, how many joys I have and still do not list them all, are many and soon enough and a great joy it is to have friends ,
're Special!
Thanks buddy for being you and being in so many times, for allowing me to list my joys.
As a urban legend as a high school history or porn movie in a city full of buildings, we wanted a dark place, paragraph, where we could be alone. Finally, after thinking that a bush was a bad choice, my mind was enlightened and I proposed "on the roof of the building."
climbed. The excitement was more sensitive to anything that would happen. There was no light, only to give us reaching the moon. Before us a brick wall, behind a wire cage, trapped in a maximum 50 cm
sex can take many forms, this time I submitted. Duration was used, and between 30 - 40 minutes. We did this in several ways, change positions, I soaked up his scent, his sweat, his mascara and other things.
Suddenly, when our body gives off more heat, a few drops of rain soaked us atypical in October, and the water seemed to evaporate combining with everything that happened there. The end came to her cry and my violent excitement, fell recharged, I in the wire fence and she in the brick wall, watching us in the eye, and suddenly she laughed.
We parted with a slight kiss, looking around, accomplices, happy and satisfied with being unfaithful once again.
The central character, Ignatius J. Reilly , is a misfit, an anachronism who dreams of the medieval lifestyle, and morale, again rule the world. To do this, to be heard in a world that is misunderstood, filled with his handwritten notebooks hundreds of Big Boss, in which shapes his world view, and scatters these texts for your room. Order one day and meet creating his masterpiece. Meanwhile the goddess Fortuna, against will catapult him to the capitalist world, was forced to submit to the new form of slavery that it is work. He resigned as Boethius resigned to his execution and goes to look for work. Their work and life is the thread that unites and gives meaning to all the work, and allows us to meet other characters as recognizable as human, as memorable.