Before 2012 ...
say not to believe in this prophecy, to mistrust that occurs as it does in the movie. But with so much pollution, global warming and other problems facing the planet, no doubt, little by little, we near the end.
why, and quickly, I decided to write something for those who will follow after 2012, if there is indeed a great catastrophe that will leave few survivors. There will be a letter but a message, which raises the idea that if God gives us another opportunity, these people do not make the same mistakes as their parents, grandparents and ancestors.
Before 2012 ...
This only happened to a few years, in which mankind had settled all over the world. There was little space, especially for the poor and marginalized. In many places, you could tell a big difference of social classes, which could see a few have much and many had very little. But all people, regardless of their status were influenced by globalization and capitalism. What was this? that if one did not what everyone had, I was nobody. This was, yes or yes to have a cell phone, a car or a late-model clothes. He who did not share the same common tastes, was an outcast or a very rare. What mattered was the image appearance. The more "cute" is a person outwardly, more benefit would achieve its objectives. The cities were getting larger at amazing speeds, as the population grew and nobody wanted to live in the countryside, especially the young. But these, to go to the cities, were unlikely to progress and could only beg on the streets, requiring others to abuse them.
For more ads ecology and lessons that were given, people were throwing garbage in the streets or in rivers, were burning trash and using cars that pulled too much smoke. And not to mention the factories that used wood and coal as fuel, so there were long periods when you could not see the sun. And although increased lung diseases, no one did anything to use another kind of energy healthier. There were days when it was cold, and other days it was very hot. The weather was very unstable, so that cause allergies to climate change and the most sensitive to eventually die.
And not only the weather or pollution or social classes were the problems. There were the wars that occurred everywhere and most cities just left devastated. The wars were crudely justified, on the grounds of "stop terrorism" being committed against the power of that moment. They always some reason to justify the loss of millions of innocent lives that had nothing to do with political affairs. Does not justify the great changes that have led to many families, so that they generated were separated, change their habits and adapt to the dominant culture of that time to survive. And all because of the selfishness of a few who have power in the hands and only use it for their own interests, not the interests of the masses, the people.
And that only happened to a few years before it all ended up in that fateful year. Now that I know, what are your next steps to revive humanity? You really will aim to create an ideal and peaceful world, or return to the mistakes of their ancestors? It just depends on you, who survived the great event.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Hyperbaric Treatment Heart Patients
The classic characters in the real world
This is a world where the phrase "happily ever after" exists only in stories. A place where Cinderella ended up prostituting when the prince away from his stepmother to take the "enchanted castle." And also where White was never able to revive it in the hospital not treated in time to get the piece of poisoned apple that had swallowed. It is a world where Little Red Riding Hood was attacked by the wolf and where no hunter appeared to save time, because the wolf was a dangerous pedophile and famous for raping and murdering their victims. A place where Tom Thumb and his brothers did not even have their bit of bread, but were simply abandoned to chance to beg for the "forest" of the city. Here, Belle with the Beast is only for money, not love. And Sleeping Beauty had a tragic loss for not being trained to use yarn and fabric machine factory where he worked. That is the fate of these characters, however, in its original or classic stories have better luck. But this is reality, and thus lives in the world today. What can you do to change?
This is a world where the phrase "happily ever after" exists only in stories. A place where Cinderella ended up prostituting when the prince away from his stepmother to take the "enchanted castle." And also where White was never able to revive it in the hospital not treated in time to get the piece of poisoned apple that had swallowed. It is a world where Little Red Riding Hood was attacked by the wolf and where no hunter appeared to save time, because the wolf was a dangerous pedophile and famous for raping and murdering their victims. A place where Tom Thumb and his brothers did not even have their bit of bread, but were simply abandoned to chance to beg for the "forest" of the city. Here, Belle with the Beast is only for money, not love. And Sleeping Beauty had a tragic loss for not being trained to use yarn and fabric machine factory where he worked. That is the fate of these characters, however, in its original or classic stories have better luck. But this is reality, and thus lives in the world today. What can you do to change?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sore Throat And Blood Blister
Unexplained phenomena
Unexplained phenomena, Google Logo
September 5, 2009, 08:20
Science has the power to harness the energy, allowing a machine to fly, cure disease and explain many things about the world, life and humans. But, surprisingly, science can not explain everything around us. Scientists may never know exactly how the universe began or help to resolve the issues of faith.
The same applies to what surrounds the world of the paranormal. Science can explain many strange phenomena, some mysteries remain. Perhaps, some of these phenomena may one day be fully understood, like so many things that a few centuries ago were completely unknown and unexplained (such as the causes of diseases) and are now public knowledge.
The 10 most interesting unexplained unexplained phenomena, at the discretion of the Live Science magazine, are:
10 - The mind-body connection
Medical science is only beginning to understand how the mind influences the body. The placebo effect, for example, shows that sometimes people may feel relief from the symptoms of their illnesses to take medication or follow a therapy, just for the sake of thinking that is prescribed for you or make you going to sit well . The body's ability to heal itself is far more amazing than anything modern medicine could create.
9 - Psychic powers and ESP
Psychic powers and ESP are among the top ten unexplained phenomena unexplained in this list simply because scientists can not explain why there are people who say them and yes they really have them. Some researchers try to prove that there are people who claim to have psychic powers, although under controlled scientific results to date have been negative or equivocal. Some have argued that psychic powers can not be tested and less in the presence of skeptics. If so, be very difficult for science to be able to prove or disprove the existence of psychic powers.
8 - near death experiences or life after death
Some people who have been near death have sometimes reported various mystical experiences (like going into a tunnel and walk toward a light, meet with loved ones, a sense of peace, etc.) that may suggest an existence beyond the grave. While these experiences are profound, no one has returned with proof or verifiable information "beyond the grave." Skeptics suggest that the experiences are explainable as natural and predictable hallucinations of a brain traumatized by what happened, but no way to know for sure if that actually happens to be near death or whether they are really visions of the "other side" .
The word means "Unidentified Flying Object." There is no doubt that UFOs exist and many people see things in heaven can not identify, ranging from aircraft or balloons to meteorites. Whether or not any of these items have never been made official evidence and unidentified flying objects from space or other planets. However, while careful investigation has revealed known causes for most sighting reports, some UFO incidents are without explanation.
6 -
Deja vu Deja vu is a French phrase meaning "already seen", referring to the puzzling and mysterious feeling of having experienced a specific set of circumstances and lived before. A person may enter a building, for example, in a foreign country that had not never visited and feel eerily familiar feeling. Some attribute deja vu to psychic experiences from previous lives, but the phenomenon itself remains a mystery.
5 - Ghosts
The appearance of ghosts is part of our culture and folklore for many centuries. Many people have reported seeing apparitions, strange shadows and their deceased loved ones. Although definitive proof of the existence of ghosts remains elusive, there are witnesses who reported seeing, photographing, and even communicate with ghosts. Researchers in the field have the hope that one day may prove that the dead can be contact life and provide a definitive answer to the mystery.
4 - Mysterious Disappearance
In many instances there are people who disappear suddenly and without leaving a trace. Many of these disappearances eventually resolved through police investigation, a confession, an accident ... but never by a "psychic detective." There are a number of disappearances that have never been resolved and it seems that this is going to remain. People of overnight disappear without trace.
3 - Intuition
Some people call it "have a sixth sense," but on occasion we have all experienced intuition in one time or another. Of course, these "insights" are often wrong. Some psychologists choose to ensure that people subconsciously collects information about the world around us, apparently leads or information without knowing exactly how or why we know. Why a person is able to have an intuition and it is fulfilled remains a great mystery still unsolved.
2 - Bigfoot
Despite the hundreds of witnesses who have seen this mysterious being hairy big feet, has never found a single body. Not only one has been killed by a hunter, struck dead by a car or even died of natural causes. A lack of hard evidence like teeth or bones, support comes down to eyewitnesses and ambiguous photos and films. Since it is logically impossible to prove a universal negative, science will never be able to prove that creatures like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster do not exist.
1 - The Buzz Taos (Taos Hum)
Some residents and visitors to the small city of Taos, New Mexico, have for many years listening to an annoying, baffling and mysterious low frequency hum in the desert air. Describe the sound of "a diesel engine ringing through the windows." Interestingly, only about 2% of residents say Tao have heard this sound. The many expeditions that have moved up there to investigate the phenomenon has never been able to explain where it comes from and it's because the buzz.
Unexplained phenomena, Google Logo
September 5, 2009, 08:20
Science has the power to harness the energy, allowing a machine to fly, cure disease and explain many things about the world, life and humans. But, surprisingly, science can not explain everything around us. Scientists may never know exactly how the universe began or help to resolve the issues of faith.
The same applies to what surrounds the world of the paranormal. Science can explain many strange phenomena, some mysteries remain. Perhaps, some of these phenomena may one day be fully understood, like so many things that a few centuries ago were completely unknown and unexplained (such as the causes of diseases) and are now public knowledge.
The 10 most interesting unexplained unexplained phenomena, at the discretion of the Live Science magazine, are:
10 - The mind-body connection
Medical science is only beginning to understand how the mind influences the body. The placebo effect, for example, shows that sometimes people may feel relief from the symptoms of their illnesses to take medication or follow a therapy, just for the sake of thinking that is prescribed for you or make you going to sit well . The body's ability to heal itself is far more amazing than anything modern medicine could create.
9 - Psychic powers and ESP
Psychic powers and ESP are among the top ten unexplained phenomena unexplained in this list simply because scientists can not explain why there are people who say them and yes they really have them. Some researchers try to prove that there are people who claim to have psychic powers, although under controlled scientific results to date have been negative or equivocal. Some have argued that psychic powers can not be tested and less in the presence of skeptics. If so, be very difficult for science to be able to prove or disprove the existence of psychic powers.
8 - near death experiences or life after death
Some people who have been near death have sometimes reported various mystical experiences (like going into a tunnel and walk toward a light, meet with loved ones, a sense of peace, etc.) that may suggest an existence beyond the grave. While these experiences are profound, no one has returned with proof or verifiable information "beyond the grave." Skeptics suggest that the experiences are explainable as natural and predictable hallucinations of a brain traumatized by what happened, but no way to know for sure if that actually happens to be near death or whether they are really visions of the "other side" .
The word means "Unidentified Flying Object." There is no doubt that UFOs exist and many people see things in heaven can not identify, ranging from aircraft or balloons to meteorites. Whether or not any of these items have never been made official evidence and unidentified flying objects from space or other planets. However, while careful investigation has revealed known causes for most sighting reports, some UFO incidents are without explanation.
6 -
Deja vu Deja vu is a French phrase meaning "already seen", referring to the puzzling and mysterious feeling of having experienced a specific set of circumstances and lived before. A person may enter a building, for example, in a foreign country that had not never visited and feel eerily familiar feeling. Some attribute deja vu to psychic experiences from previous lives, but the phenomenon itself remains a mystery.
5 - Ghosts
The appearance of ghosts is part of our culture and folklore for many centuries. Many people have reported seeing apparitions, strange shadows and their deceased loved ones. Although definitive proof of the existence of ghosts remains elusive, there are witnesses who reported seeing, photographing, and even communicate with ghosts. Researchers in the field have the hope that one day may prove that the dead can be contact life and provide a definitive answer to the mystery.
4 - Mysterious Disappearance
In many instances there are people who disappear suddenly and without leaving a trace. Many of these disappearances eventually resolved through police investigation, a confession, an accident ... but never by a "psychic detective." There are a number of disappearances that have never been resolved and it seems that this is going to remain. People of overnight disappear without trace.
3 - Intuition
Some people call it "have a sixth sense," but on occasion we have all experienced intuition in one time or another. Of course, these "insights" are often wrong. Some psychologists choose to ensure that people subconsciously collects information about the world around us, apparently leads or information without knowing exactly how or why we know. Why a person is able to have an intuition and it is fulfilled remains a great mystery still unsolved.
2 - Bigfoot
Despite the hundreds of witnesses who have seen this mysterious being hairy big feet, has never found a single body. Not only one has been killed by a hunter, struck dead by a car or even died of natural causes. A lack of hard evidence like teeth or bones, support comes down to eyewitnesses and ambiguous photos and films. Since it is logically impossible to prove a universal negative, science will never be able to prove that creatures like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster do not exist.
1 - The Buzz Taos (Taos Hum)
Some residents and visitors to the small city of Taos, New Mexico, have for many years listening to an annoying, baffling and mysterious low frequency hum in the desert air. Describe the sound of "a diesel engine ringing through the windows." Interestingly, only about 2% of residents say Tao have heard this sound. The many expeditions that have moved up there to investigate the phenomenon has never been able to explain where it comes from and it's because the buzz.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Spanish Wedding Designers

lately I have many concerns, one of them is that I have sidelined some of the kinds of blogs. Before writing more often, had much motivation to do so, but over the years, things got a little slow, and until it appeared the famous Twitter (I have no idea how it works) and ended up alienating many of the bloggers emblematic, and others like me, to chill a bit. Always remember the words Roberto Arancibia: Never stop writing, words that certainly haunted me in the head especially lately.
Another concern I am having, is related to how stressful life has become in the capital, before everything was more bearable, but now with this issue of the crisis, I feel that we are all in a state of alertness, stress , anxiety and irritability, including myself, we going? we want to go and the Bicentennial? Greetings
DQ .-
-Day pretty well, despite what they have been cold, me with a bit of temper nomas, but I miss.
- cumbias night in the amphitheater of Fine Arts, very lively and entertaining, many restaurants, going out, and many allergies!
"Thank you to those who read me, is that the spirit of it is still a bit down, but slowly grow back just as it was before! Ego Sum
Another concern I am having, is related to how stressful life has become in the capital, before everything was more bearable, but now with this issue of the crisis, I feel that we are all in a state of alertness, stress , anxiety and irritability, including myself, we going? we want to go and the Bicentennial? Greetings
DQ .-
-Day pretty well, despite what they have been cold, me with a bit of temper nomas, but I miss.
- cumbias night in the amphitheater of Fine Arts, very lively and entertaining, many restaurants, going out, and many allergies!
"Thank you to those who read me, is that the spirit of it is still a bit down, but slowly grow back just as it was before! Ego Sum
Monday, August 3, 2009
Enchanted Arms When Can I Buy God Ambrosia
About Angels - Rafael Alberti
then present some poems from the book "On the angels." I hope you like how I liked to me;)
The two angels Angel of light, burning,
oh, come!, And fire with your sword
the depths where it lies underground
my angel of the mist
Oh espadazo in the shadows! Sparks
digging into my body,
in my wings without feathers,
as nobody sees,
You're burning alive.
Fly and me, dark
Lucifer of the quarries without auroras,
wells without water,
of the caverns without sleep, and carbon
sun, moon.
hurts my hair and appetite. Oh, burn me!
More, more, yes, yes, more! Burn me!
Burn, light angel, my guardian,
you that you were crying in the clouds,
you, without me, you, me,
cold angel dust, no longer glory
dump in the dark!
Burn it, an angel of light,
burn me and run!
The angel of wrath
No owner, the nettles,
polishing stone, shone. Pie
(Among the nettles, anything.)
invisible foot of anger. Languages \u200b\u200b
silt, sunken
deaf remembered something.
were no longer. What
mute silence and said something.
said nothing.
unknowingly moved
course my blood, and in the trenches
long screams fell.
To save my eyes, to save you
that ...
then present some poems from the book "On the angels." I hope you like how I liked to me;)
The two angels Angel of light, burning,
oh, come!, And fire with your sword
the depths where it lies underground
my angel of the mist
Oh espadazo in the shadows! Sparks
digging into my body,
in my wings without feathers,
as nobody sees,
You're burning alive.
Fly and me, dark
Lucifer of the quarries without auroras,
wells without water,
of the caverns without sleep, and carbon
sun, moon.
hurts my hair and appetite. Oh, burn me!
More, more, yes, yes, more! Burn me!
Burn, light angel, my guardian,
you that you were crying in the clouds,
you, without me, you, me,
cold angel dust, no longer glory
dump in the dark!
Burn it, an angel of light,
burn me and run!
The angel of wrath
No owner, the nettles,
polishing stone, shone. Pie
(Among the nettles, anything.)
invisible foot of anger. Languages \u200b\u200b
silt, sunken
deaf remembered something.
were no longer. What
mute silence and said something.
said nothing.
unknowingly moved
course my blood, and in the trenches
long screams fell.
To save my eyes, to save you
that ...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Bad Luck To Wear Cap And Gown?

going to find my maternal grandmother, and drove to Los Vilos, where a beautiful sun crowned our visit, we had lunch there and we took strength to reach Combarbalá and then to Ligua of Cogotí, where we would stay a few nights in the house where my Father was born, once there, a lot of family, cousins \u200b\u200bhad not seen since childhood and that feeling of belonging to a rich but when it comes to a land that is in his blood was all super choro, one night, we went to the observatory to see the Southern Cross the stars and make an astronomical tour that prettiest thing, we also traveled towns like San Marcos, Combarbalá and Mal Paso, then continued our journey to Chilesito, to the vineyards of my Mama's Family, where we expect a magical evening and beautiful walks to the nearby towns of Caren, Mialqui, Ovalle Montepatria and actually ended Andacollo also visiting, and La Serena, in addition to small towns through which one passes when traveling, all with a bright sun and joy.
This holiday season, with my parents, it was really beautiful, closeness, affection, family stories and happiness to the fullest.
-Day re cute, full of sun, more vacation for me to take an extra week. Jazz
"Much, much MSN with people who did not speak a thousand, a wrist tendinitis too much to handle lol.
"Thanks to all the beautiful people that I read, who in secret and who derrepente do leave a little message, Have fun and enjoy the days off they may have, are not starter home, get out, take a walk and have fun, lots of kisses.
Ego Sum Sebba
Monday, February 16, 2009
Body Waxing For Men In Ct
Bio LALA 4. Supplemented with Lactobacillus
Kasei ® Gastro-fermented milk drink
NATURAL FLAVOR "Shake well before opening"
Did you know ...
Gastrointestinal complaints are mainly caused by consumption of irritating, prolonged periods of fasting, stress or infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, among others.
recommendations that can help your stomach
Care * Try to eat every 3 or 4 hours
* Consume products of lactobacilli as Bio LALA 4
* GASTROKASEI ® Lactobacilli containing, help you balance your normal intestinal flora.
Information provided by: LALA Instrituo.
fuck your mother, everyone.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
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