Monday, December 28, 2009

How To Get Rid Of An Item On Poptropica

Before 2012 ...

say not to believe in this prophecy, to mistrust that occurs as it does in the movie. But with so much pollution, global warming and other problems facing the planet, no doubt, little by little, we near the end.
why, and quickly, I decided to write something for those who will follow after 2012, if there is indeed a great catastrophe that will leave few survivors. There will be a letter but a message, which raises the idea that if God gives us another opportunity, these people do not make the same mistakes as their parents, grandparents and ancestors.

Before 2012 ...

This only happened to a few years, in which mankind had settled all over the world. There was little space, especially for the poor and marginalized. In many places, you could tell a big difference of social classes, which could see a few have much and many had very little. But all people, regardless of their status were influenced by globalization and capitalism. What was this? that if one did not what everyone had, I was nobody. This was, yes or yes to have a cell phone, a car or a late-model clothes. He who did not share the same common tastes, was an outcast or a very rare. What mattered was the image appearance. The more "cute" is a person outwardly, more benefit would achieve its objectives. The cities were getting larger at amazing speeds, as the population grew and nobody wanted to live in the countryside, especially the young. But these, to go to the cities, were unlikely to progress and could only beg on the streets, requiring others to abuse them.
For more ads ecology and lessons that were given, people were throwing garbage in the streets or in rivers, were burning trash and using cars that pulled too much smoke. And not to mention the factories that used wood and coal as fuel, so there were long periods when you could not see the sun. And although increased lung diseases, no one did anything to use another kind of energy healthier. There were days when it was cold, and other days it was very hot. The weather was very unstable, so that cause allergies to climate change and the most sensitive to eventually die.
And not only the weather or pollution or social classes were the problems. There were the wars that occurred everywhere and most cities just left devastated. The wars were crudely justified, on the grounds of "stop terrorism" being committed against the power of that moment. They always some reason to justify the loss of millions of innocent lives that had nothing to do with political affairs. Does not justify the great changes that have led to many families, so that they generated were separated, change their habits and adapt to the dominant culture of that time to survive. And all because of the selfishness of a few who have power in the hands and only use it for their own interests, not the interests of the masses, the people.
And that only happened to a few years before it all ended up in that fateful year. Now that I know, what are your next steps to revive humanity? You really will aim to create an ideal and peaceful world, or return to the mistakes of their ancestors? It just depends on you, who survived the great event.


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