This is the situation, my mother died and I can not do anything about it. But I can always see her in a dream ... but they carried me alternatives never before experienced or known.
Simply, I wanted to hold her when the group would like if you go back a few years and find me when I saw her last. Held her, she did not understand what was happening, and I tried to explain what would happen later. But I could not stay, had to attend to patients in the interior. But other doctors! I said. But she kept wanting to leave. Sometimes, reach my goal and the accident happened ... but she was by my side. Further, if there was another option, telling him to take another bus and another hour. Sometimes it worked and sometimes not, which had to re-experience the feeling of abandonment and loneliness while in other occasions, she experienced the feeling of having saved somebody.
This continued, and again wondering what would happen if one or another action did so mom did not die. And so it became something that went round and round until I got up, went to the room and found. He had managed to save her. She felt a little sad about not seeing patients, but was alive. To restore the lost time, went on a trip, neatly finished school, the family went to the collation and saw me with a bachelor's degree in hand. After all that, I took the room and said he would travel to the United States to visit relatives who were there. Only two. By the time he would accept, I sat down and immediately appeared on my bed. I felt someone touching elbows, but did not see anyone. I knew that Mom was there, but not seen. As if he had become invisible. Until no more and I felt, with horror, I realized that not a sound out of my mouth. I had fallen silent in shock. I started running and I found my sister, who told me that someone wanted to talk. I tried to answer but could not. She, sensing that he could not speak, I took her outside and went out into the courtyard, I looked at the sky and all I turned white. Before that, I realized that the house was dark and there was almost no furniture, something unusual and strange. And the courtyard was gloomy, with a sunless sky but during the day. All this was to re-find me on the bed and end this strange dream that started with many ideas in my head.
the strangest dream was long, but I've only been asleep a few hours. Everything he touched, smelled or saw was very real, more real than seeing things awake. And all for thinking "if I had passed this way ..." Will I traveled a parallel life? A lucid dream? Do I really "separated" from my body? Because when I woke up actually, I realized I felt a strange sensation, as if he had flown miles away. And a feeling that someone has embraced me, but that only happened in the dream.
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